Connection is Key Connecting in business can take hold many meanings. You connect to your message. You connect to your employees. You connect to your customers. You connect your message to your customers. You connect your employees to your customers. A message has to be something that not only resonates with you and explains your… [Read More…]
Absolute GENIUS!
Absolute pure, Undeniable GENIUS! I was having a chat just the other day with someone when the conversation turned to business. I had a particular conundrum that I was still struggling with – though I thought I was on the right path. What happened next blew my mind. You know those moments when it’s not… [Read More…]
Let it Go – Before it’s Gone!
Let it Go! No seriously, let it go! Your business is in imminent peril. You absolutely, without a doubt, have to relinquish hold on your business or you will see it die a suffocating death. Stop and think about this for a minute. Let’s say you run Harry’s Hardware. As Harry, you open the doors… [Read More…]
Are Your Costs Controlling You?
Business owners toss around “Cost Control” as if they truly can ‘toss around money’. But there isn’t anything further from the truth. Your bank account should never be viewed as, “Look, I have money in my account. Let’s spend it.” Please, promise me … if you are anywhere in the ballpark of having that… [Read More…]
Building a Business Through Customer Service
It’s amazing what you can learn from your customers. The people who come to your business or your website are looking for something. The question becomes – will you take the time to find out what it is, AND supply them with the solution? Businesses often say they supply ‘exemplary customer service’ or that their… [Read More…]