Stuck behind a desk all day? Too many Americans spend too much time sitting, and that carries serious health repercussions.
Here’s a way to increase your burn rate and your business connections at the same time: Get out of the office and attend that networking meeting!
It’s easy to fall into a daily routine, but the New Year offers a perfect opportunity to forge new friends. Here are a few ways to increase your influence among your peers and connections:
- Strike up a conversation. This doesn’t have to be limited to the topic of the meeting. Sometimes amazing connections happen through serendipity. Talk about your last business trip and share a tidbit with someone at the meeting. Perhaps you heard about a new business that just opened. Pass that along to someone else. Maybe you’ll be the catalyst for something new and exciting. It’s a great way to increase your business profile.
- Keep that smile power going. When you’ve been glad-handing and making introductions, it can be tiring. The demand of taking note of names, keeping your smile bright and remembering details from your conversations is actually hard work. It puts a strain on your brain to keep track of all those new folks. There are many different tricks for remembering new people and their interests. Keep working at it, and you’ll soon find a memory method that works for you.
- Share interesting news. Make it a habit to read every day. Information gleaned from newspapers, business journals and new industry developments add spark to a conversation. Come ready to share business intel with your networking friends. They will appreciate a friendly tip. You’ll soon become known as the go-to person for the latest news in your business sector. Just one caveat: No negative gossip. That goes against the whole spirit of networking.
- Reap the benefits of standing. Getting out from behind your desk is a great way to burn calories! Standing instead of sitting bestows a significant health benefit.
Here’s the take-to-heart lesson: Aim to build your connections this year!
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