Creating a vibrant business culture is less about managing and more about facilitating an interactive relationship between employers and employees, says Mona Patel, a Forbes magazine contributor. She advises managers to create a culture of curiosity.
From her perspective, all of us have an ongoing case of myopia. We see the world through our own eyes, not through the eyes of others. As Patel explains in her article, it’s imperative to understand the perils of ignoring those subtle clues which often reveal something is amiss with a particular staffer. Yet, too many times employees will only vent their frustration when on-the-job struggles reach a breaking point.
The end result: A Mount Vesuvius eruption. As cathartic as that may be, it is not the recommended way to resolve workplace concerns. When it comes to that point, few pleasant options remain for a manager. Then it shifts into a mopping up operation, but at what cost to workplace harmony and peace?
Instead, Patel advocates for what she terms “problempathy” as opposed to empathy. Instead of dissecting the workplace relationship and tackling the problem head on, envision the employee as an actor filling the employee’s shoes. Then, it’s not quite so personal. This eases the pressure, allowing a productive conversation to ensue that gets to the heart of the problem.
By shifting the focus towards the relationship and away from self-depreciating pitfalls, a manager gathers important clues as to how the in-office relationships are impacting the overall tone of the workplace. As you make your way through your office, take note of who appears to be struggling with on-the-job demands. Then, seek out that staffer who is natural workplace “mender” — one who has a gift for smoothing out potential conflicts.
Tap that individual as a resource. Don’t focus on the individual’s problem. Instead step back from the personal focus. This approach can do wonders for restoring workplace harmony.
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