How does a business encourage its employees to act in an entrepreneurial fashion? Here are four ways to foster an entrepreneurial approach within a corporate setting:.
1. Encourage free thinkers to chime in with suggestions. Develop an organizational model that allows free-spirited ideas to circulate within the company. Make it safe to share new ideas. Regularly ask employees for their ideas on solving complex problems. And encourage your best and brightest to make decisions on their own. Make sure they know it’s OK to make mistakes!
2) Dismantle silos. If one section of the company is working at odds against another internal sector, strive to remove the barriers between those departments. Formulate a mission statement. Internal silos can hamper productive interchanges leading to an “us against them” mentality. Appoint cross-department problem-solving teams.
3. Avoid adding new procedures to work flow. Having managers add a new, more effective way of doing things for employees can seem like a great idea. But as much as possible, let employees find ways to structure their workflow for maximum efficiency.
4. Stay in sync with the company’s mission statement. Taking a free-spirited approach to entrepreneurship is a good thing, but don’t depart from the company’s core mission. Encourage employees to come up with new ways to satisfy the company’s core mission. Keep an eye out for any signs the company’s culture is drifting away from the firm’s core competencies or the corporation’s mission statement.