There is an age old question that every man and woman ponders over their lifetime, some people more than once, even multiple times throughout their life journey. The question of ‘Who am I?” is one of great depth that many people tremble at discovering. It seems to be easy to feign a busy schedule or the chaos of life rather than truly take a look into finding the answer.
This simple 3 word question can inevitably lead to the bigger question of “What is my purpose?” A wise man travels this path many times and at each fork in the road or change in direction he is brought back to his well of wisdom to ask again and again. Staring into the depths of your well of wisdom can be like a shallow puddle or a raging sea.
The reflection into one’s purpose can be more defined by one’s values. The values you choose shape your life in the present and also in how your future develops. When you are trying to determine your values you need to delve into what you find important in life. This is where passion comes in.
Passion lives in all of us. Passion can manifest in the form of love, fear and even hate. Passion can be negative or positive but there is no denying that passion is a driving force within us. Passion develops values. Both your passion and your values determine your forward motion. This is your action. When you move forward with action you are shaping your own outcome.
When you are forming your vision of your purpose, the value system you create will be exponential in both your personal and your professional life. There are many exercises to help you determine your values. You can go through this simple value exercise to help you uncover what lies within your heart. Sometimes you can be surprised at what you find to be your driving force.
Spend 5 minutes of your time to go through this exercise and help uncover what constitutes your purpose. Once you have determined what lies in the depths of your heart you can learn how that translates to Integrity.
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