Connection is Key Connecting in business can take hold many meanings. You connect to your message. You connect to your employees. You connect to your customers. You connect your message to your customers. You connect your employees to your customers. A message has to be something that not only resonates with you and explains your… [Read More…]
Absolute GENIUS!
Absolute pure, Undeniable GENIUS! I was having a chat just the other day with someone when the conversation turned to business. I had a particular conundrum that I was still struggling with – though I thought I was on the right path. What happened next blew my mind. You know those moments when it’s not… [Read More…]
Let it Go – Before it’s Gone!
Let it Go! No seriously, let it go! Your business is in imminent peril. You absolutely, without a doubt, have to relinquish hold on your business or you will see it die a suffocating death. Stop and think about this for a minute. Let’s say you run Harry’s Hardware. As Harry, you open the doors… [Read More…]
Millennials Get A Bad Rap
To say that Millennials have received a bad rap over the last few years is more than evident. You can see it in multiple articles, videos, rants and even a song or two. Lazy, Weak, Spoiled, Selfish, Entitled. The list of negative connotations goes on and on. Are they simply just misunderstood? You would think… [Read More…]
Taking Care of Those Who Take Care of You
Taking care of those who take care of you. There are times battle lines are drawn in a business between being helpful and being right. And there are times when those lines become very blurred. I’m talking about customer service. Having a good customer advocate on your team is one of the best moves you… [Read More…]
Millennial Madness? or Genius?
Never before has an era created so much confusion and contradiction. The Millennials are facing discrimination on levels that haven’t been encountered since women entered the work force. Even though it’s different – it is still met with as much animosity and disdain as the thought of allowing a simple woman to occupy a seat… [Read More…]
Mind Your P’s and Q’s with Effective Content Marketing Quality Control
Content Marketing Quality Control Let’s face it, mistakes in business happen. You can affectionately call them the bloopers of business. Of course we didn’t mean to mess up, but for some reason we stumbled, tripped or didn’t see that very large brick wall immediately in front of… ooomph! So before you go too far… [Read More…]
Efficiency for Productivity
Did you know 70-80 percent of the work day for many workers is spent in meetings and composing emails. Unreal! Over 6 1/2 hours of an 8 hour work day. And 32 hours of a 40 hour work week. Think about that. Technology is shaping the way that nearly every workforce produces their deliverables and… [Read More…]
Nurture is Not A Bad Word
Building relations with your existing clients, as well as your future clients, is a rather large part of business that goes uncultivated. It seems simple enough, but for some reason business owners fail to keep this in the forefront of their minds. This leads to leaving a large chunk of change on the table which… [Read More…]
Are Your Costs Controlling You?
Business owners toss around “Cost Control” as if they truly can ‘toss around money’. But there isn’t anything further from the truth. Your bank account should never be viewed as, “Look, I have money in my account. Let’s spend it.” Please, promise me … if you are anywhere in the ballpark of having that… [Read More…]