Stress and business go hand in hand. You may not be able to completely take stress out of your business but you can put things in place to control the severity of it and how it affects you. Poor cash flow can be the greatest cause of stress for you and your business. But it’s… [Read More…]
What is Lacking in Your Business Could be Costing You Greatly!
One of the greatest costs to the bottom line of any business is lack of efficiency within the workplace. And this expresses itself from the top management down through the organization. Everyone wants high efficiency from their staff, yet many people know how to obtain this elusive objective. As you are developing standards for your… [Read More…]
It’s Time to Talk About Productivity
Productivity consists of two main areas: Programs and Efficiency. Let’s talk about Programs first. The first aspect to programs is a good structure within your organization. You staff will work more fluently if there is a visible organizational chart available. The chart should include a hierarchy as well as titles. Your chart should include all… [Read More…]
Staff Your Business with Strength
If your company is big enough to have employees, you have to be smart enough to hire the right staff. It can be said that your business is only as good as the employees with whom you surround yourself. There is a lot of truth in that statement. Even more prevalent is that having the… [Read More…]
Read the End of the Book First
Goals – strategy – change. It’s quickly becoming the 12th hour when people begin to assess the current year that is almost past and project ahead to how they want their next year to shape up. It can be viewed as a roller coaster ride as you look back on the past year and beat… [Read More…]
Is Insanity Running Your Life?
You’ve heard it before so you’ll know it when I say it, but to be clear, the definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. The same thing holds true when deciphering lessons we face in life. If you find yourself constantly facing the same struggles over… [Read More…]
Create Your Personal Constitution
“We the people…”. The few words that need no other introduction. The Preamble to the Constitution is the manifesto for which sums up the meaning, the emotional blood, sweat and tears that helped derive a document that has stood the test of time for over 200 years. When there is ever doubt or low moments… [Read More…]
Lead not Lead – Define Who You Are
I remember a scene from The Polar Express where the young girl gets her ticket punched by the conductor with the word “LEAD”. She immediately jumped to “Lead – like in lead balloon”. The conductor gently corrected her saying “It can also be pronounced Lead – as in “leader,” “leadership.” “Lead the way.” Just as the word can… [Read More…]
Integrity in Business is Doing the Right Thing
Integrity is a word that stirs the emotional pot within many people. Some will straighten their shoulders and lift their chin. You will find they have a slight narrowing of their eyes as they immerse themselves in the depth of it’s meaning. Others roll their eyes, scoff at it and shake their head. Dramatically different… [Read More…]
Defining Your Personal Purpose
There is an age old question that every man and woman ponders over their lifetime, some people more than once, even multiple times throughout their life journey. The question of ‘Who am I?” is one of great depth that many people tremble at discovering. It seems to be easy to feign a busy schedule or… [Read More…]