Here’s a truism: Any commercial endeavor one could undertake in the professional sphere adheres to the same basic managerial precepts.
Even so, when a business owner has focused his or her work in one industry sector for a lengthy period of time, a myopic mindset can set in, dulling the entrepreneurial passion that fuels a spirit of innovation.
Then it becomes harder to see the gradual drift away from the razor-edge focus one had when starting out in professional life. Routines have a way of exacting a deadening influence. It’s the way we’re wired. Our brains always seek efficiency, but this usually comes at the cost of those precious gems of insight that arise in a moment of inspiration when the muse is at work.
For dental professionals routines provide comfort and consistency in how care is delivered, but they also tend to deaden a manager’s ability to perceive a gradual decline in a practice’s efficiency and operational routines.
There is also the constant push of new technology to better serve one’s patients. Wisely choosing technology that will maximize returns is crucial for creating a flourishing list of clients ready to outlay on high-end dental services.
As with any commercial enterprise, clarity and insight can diminish with the passage of time. This is why dental practitioners should take a critical look at the practice’s operational procedures. Inefficiencies may have crept in over time.
Bringing in an outside perspective can be helpful in achieving a more astute understanding of what internal processes in your dental practice may be in need of an overhaul. For example, as technology changes staff members may have taken the initiative to create adaptations to the workflow that exert a negative influence on efficient operations as well as the bottom line.
A second set of objective eyes can better understand the practice areas that need an efficiency tuneup. We’re happy to help!
Copyright (2015): All content and images used on this site are owned or licensed by Doug Gulbrandsen for use on this site only. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
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