It’s a big world with big ideas, but too many business owners fall into a rut. They miss those serendipitous opportunities to reinvigorate internal customer service. Are you doing enough to boost the mood around your office? Here are a few simple ways to improve office morale:
- Evaluate how well you are communicating with your employees. Share information about what’s going on with your company. Provide opportunities to address any grievances that may be floating around the office. Show interest in what your employees are up to. Provide some amount of one-on-one interaction between you and key employees. A lot of attention is paid to external customer service, but internal customer service is equally as important. Disengagement among staff is a critical signal that morale is low. When negative, “viral” attitudes set-in among internal staff, it’s time to act.
- Provide opportunities to vent. If you suspect a staff member has become increasingly disgruntled, gently look into the matter. If office tension persists, sometimes a low-key invite to share a private conversation is a non-threatening means to better understanding the problem.
- Monitor morale. Attitudes are contagious, particularly among staff who work in tight quarters. Negativity can spread quickly and could infect the moods of other staffers. View staff morale as a precious resource that must be supported and managed.
- Tune in to the small talk around the office. You may be able to gather clues as to what is causing low morale by paying attention to office chitchat. Listen for tension in your employees’ voices.
- Quietly observe personal interactions. You may glean valuable insights into the dynamics of your workplace through casual observation. Apply that knowledge to gain a better understanding of your workers’ talents.
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