What gets you out of bed each morning?
Some people will immediately tell you it’s the alarm blaring in their ear, as they smack their phone to the ground. Others will claim it’s the need to provide for their family life’s necessities or luxuries they feel they have grown accustomed.
But then you have the select few who are excited to face each morning. (Not just the weekends.) They rise with an exuberance of whatever lies ahead. They can appear to some as mythical as unicorns or as rare as a four leaf clover. We have that strange attraction to them. Partly because we don’t understand and are curious. Partly because the feeling, the vision is something we envy greatly.
The difference that keeps these mythical beings facing each day with exuberance doesn’t lie in their daily multi-vitamin or a magical potion they purchased from a passing gypsy. It lies simply in their passion for their ‘job’.
I’ve seen a sanitary worker smile and wave to each person he sees, whistling a snappy tune as he goes throughout his day. He’s found his passion. I’ve seen a UPS driver joyful and courteous with each stop on their route. Passion found.
I’ve also discovered CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies with a lost look. I’ve worked with Real Estate moguls who snap and berate their staff. Driven, yes. Passionate, no. There is a difference.
Passion for your business or your job is driven by purpose. You know what you are doing each day is what you are meant to do. Your path is full of tasks and situations that bring you fulfillment and joy. YOUR joy.
The same holds true for continuing with your day or your week. What keeps you going past noon? Past Wednesday in a long week? Finding your purpose may sound like a mountain too high to tackle or a black hole of more questions than answers. Seeking that joy – facing each day with the understanding that you are living the life you created – is beyond magical.
Let me clarify that just become someone has purpose – does not mean their lives are problem free. That situation – is definitely a unicorn. Instead what it means is they know that they can handle each problem as it arises because they enjoy their work to the fullest. They greet each day as an adventure, not an obstacle.
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